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Sunday, 18 August 2013

3 idiots crossing the valley- Is it Really Risky??

So here is a situation which requires really good planning and careful execution and 100% efficiency.

3 people are trying to cross a valley using an cross bar placed above their shoulder. The steps and the situation is better explained in the below diagrams

So how can we link this to our management learnings?

The above exercise says or gives us situation where a person is at times is at half risk or is at full risk.
Let's try to introspect and analyse why this is so and how can we remove the risk factor

Since there is a total of 9 steps and we have three people so we can say that there are totally 27 units of work. Out of this 27 units can we possibly make all these 27 units risk free??

Yes we can!!! Risk can be defined as the potential of loss (an undesirable outcome, however not necessarily so) resulting from a given action, activity and/or inaction. So if we need to remove the risk factor we need to remove the cause for a potential loss.

The potential loss can be removed by first proper planning. Planning plays is the first step and it planned properly any task set can be achieved with ease. Here in our case, we need to plan depending on the weight composition of each individual, the length and weight of the cross bar and the width of the valley.

Next is the training part. As with proper practice and training, even the most difficult and risky jobs become risk free and easy to do.

And finally is the execution, 100% efficiency is required by each individual as each person's life is at a stake whenever that person is at the middle, trying to cross the river.

Happy Reading:)
PGDIM Section B

Mystery of the Navrang Puzzle Solved

NAVRANG cube - the challenge is that the cube has 6 faces and there are total of 9 colors, and we need to ensure that in of the six faces there are these 9 colors. Interesting right?!

Well here is an image  of the Navrang cube and below that is a video showing the way to solve it.

Well there are two important concepts to be discussed here:
1. Organisational Structure
2. Unity of Objective

Organisational Structure: An organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.

Unity Of Objective: Striving for the single objective. In the case of a football team, there are 11 players in a side, all with a single goal of scoring a Goal. 

So we can see that whatever may be the goal and however difficult it may be to achieve it, if there is a properly planned structure and unity in achieving the objective, then any task can be achieved with ease.

Happy Reading:)
PGDIM Section B

Banks for the masses or the elite?- Muhammad Yunus answers the question

Well what really are banks in this world here for? Is it to give loans only to people who have a guarantor or assets worth more than the money that they are borrowing? Well yes this is the current state of the present private banks. Then where is the scope or the opportunity for the poor to really grow up? This question was the sole reason for the starting of the "Grameen" bank. It was started by the great economist Muhammad Yunus for his countrymen in Bangladesh when a large population of the country was in poverty.

Here I would like to share a video of his speech given at the Emory University addressing the students of that university.

 So this was his primary mission, creating a world without poverty and for this he clearly says that people need initial funds to start earning by themselves and that is when this concept of "Grameen" banks was introduced.

Now lets see what this "Grameen" bank is all about and how it is different from the other traditional banks.
This bank is primarily owned by the members or the borrowers of the village and this bank is operated mostly in the villages where the main focus is on the poor people. There is no requirement of a guarantor or any collateral and people take loans and repay it with a small rate of interest. The bank gave money to the women of the family and took their trust that they would be repaying it back.

Apart from providing micro finance to the poor, the concept of social economic business was also brought in. This means that companies would be selling their products with a non profit motive. Mohammad Yunus took this concept to big corporate bodies and made them do this for the people in Bangladesh. Even the companies were ready to invest as they felt that they were serving a social cause.

Now this Grameen bank system has helped millions of people not only in Bangladesh but has also helped people all over the world and are reaching out to customers more than that of the traditional banks.

If this concept of micro finance and social economic business flourishes and expands then there would not be any poverty worldwide and finally we would have a world where all are equal.

Happy Reading:)
PGDIM Section B